Saturday, September 13, 2008


Down and Distance's exclusive KA-POWER RANKINGS are back for their fourth year. The product of a simple formula, the rankings have predicted 10 of the last 18 Super Bowl winners. Further, 14 of the last 18 Super Bowl winners finished the regular season No. 1 or No. 2 in the KA-POWER RANKINGS system. Unlike with other, lesser rating systems, no opinion is involved in formulating these rankings. None. Teams are ranked on a centigrade scale, with 100 representing the NFL's strongest team and 0 its weakest. Don't like where your team is ranked? Blame science. (Key: WK1 = This week's ranking. '07 = final 2007 ranking. POW = KAPOW-ER centigrade score)
111Eagles 100.0017 5Chargers 47.66
226Bills 81.9518 9Bucs 44.68
321Broncos 78.751910Vikings 43.19
4 6Cowboys 77.742030Dolphins 39.66
513Giants 72.922122Lions 36.16
6 4Steelers 72.3622t17Bengals 34.81
720Bears 72.3122t 7Jaguars 34.81
816Cardinals 66.2722t28Chiefs 34.81
9t 1Patriots 65.19253149ers 33.73
9t25Ravens 65.1926 2Colts 27.69
9t15Titans 65.192718Texans 27.64
1229Falcons 63.842812Redskins 27.08
1324Jets 60.342914Browns 22.26
14 3Packers 56.813027Raiders 21.25
1519Saints 55.3231 8Seahawks 18.05
1623Panthers 52.343232Rams 0.00

Now, obviously, the rankings are going to be a little skewed with only one week's worth of data being fed into the formula. But you'll notice that only one team opens 2008 with the exact same ranking as at the end of 2007. You don't need a lot of data to determine the obvious.

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